Can our children learn happily and grow up healthily?
快樂學習既不可得 健康成長都有問題


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【明報專訊】WHOLE-DAY SCHOOLING is now the norm for all primary schools in Hong Kong. However, going through the Primary Schools Profiles 2015, our reporters found that some schools have deviated from the original purposes of whole-day schooling. This may be considered together with the controversy raging around the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) for schools, which some parents regard as being monstrously inimical to children's physical and mental development. However, an examination of what our whole-day schooling has developed into shows that, if parents want their children to learn happily and grow up healthily, they must not turn a blind eye to the way schools teach their children.

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Whole-day primary schooling is one of the few important educational reforms introduced by the SAR government after Hong Kong's handover which enjoy public support, and no resources have been spared and more schools have been built for its implementation. The idea of whole-day schooling is to let students spend more time at school so that they may benefit from more diverse learning experiences, which, as the Education Bureau web page says, "may include programmes for promoting reading to learn, moral and civic education, national education, religious education, students' physical and aesthetic development, the use of information technology for interactive learning, cross-curricular learning and other learning experiences to enhance students' whole-person development and lifelong learning capabilities". In addition, whole-day schooling is expected to foster "student-teacher relations as they have more interactions which facilitate counselling work and behavioural modification and improvement". Regrettably, the reality has fallen short of the expectations.

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First, the Education Bureau expects whole-day students to spend an average of about seven hours a day at school, but in reality some students have to be at school for more than eight and sometimes up to ten hours. Second, the authorities expect that, with the implementation of whole-day schooling, students may, in addition to having their lessons, finish their assignments at school, so that after school they may engage in other activities at home for their physical and mental well-being. But in reality students have to do a lot of assignments at home.

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What is more, while the Education Bureau expects a one-hour lunch break for students, our reporters found that some 60 primary schools give their students only 30 or even less than 30 minutes for lunch. There are parents who point out that, to drill students for the TSA, some schools hold special tutorial sessions during lunch time. Now it is of utmost importance for school children to grow up healthily, and it is totally unacceptable that some schools, heedless of their students' health, do not even give them enough time to eat.

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Some parents, knowing how their children are taught at school and seeing the numerous assignments they have to do at home, are calling for the abolition of the TSA for primary three students. It is perfectly understandable why they take exception to the TSA, but have they considered the root cause of the problem? There are plenty of facts to show that the problem lies neither in the TSA nor in the policies or measures adopted by the authorities. Schools are obviously the real problem. If parents are more vocal as to what they expect of schools, they will be better able to free their children from the shackles of distorted schooling methods and endless assignments. Otherwise, schools will continue to drill their students for other purposes even if the TSA is scrapped.

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Presented by lecturers of Hong Kong Community College, PolyU and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr KWOK, Frieda Yuk-yin

Lecturer, HKCC

Ms QIU, Tina Wei

Assistant Lecturer, HKCC

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