The City Wanderer : Art Frenzy

【明報專訊】While Central and Tsim Sha Tsui are the obvious places to go for art, March challenges art lovers to take a different route for some new excitement. Coinciding with Art Basel, the city's multi-billion-dollar international art fair, several art districts have prepared alternative programmes that may well surprise you. On the south side of Hong Kong Island more than 25 art spaces come together to host South Island Art Night (南港島藝術之夜) on 15 March, now in its third edition. In addition, nestling among the once ink-scented Wong Chuk Hang (黃竹坑) factory buildings are more art spaces than you would imagine. With sponsorship by restaurants and catering services in the region, visitors get to enjoy a night of art, performances and nibbles. From there you can catch a free shuttle to explore Tin Wan (田灣) and Ap Lei Chau (鴨脷洲) as well.
