The City Wanderer : Reminiscence of two old friends

【明報專訊】For 14 years, I kept a turtle duo much loved by our household. Unconfined to glass tanks, they were free to venture into my dad's oversized track shoes or the entangled wires behind the TV that could easily electrocute them to death. My mom would have the vacuum cleaner circumventing (迴避) the turtles in order to respect their habitual sunbathing in the middle of the sitting room. Fresh prawns were served every time they pulled a disgusted face at the usual turtle meal we fed them (which happened almost daily). Perhaps in fear of my jealous revenge, the duo would answer to my doorbell and follow me amiably (友好地) around (I forgive your disbelief, but I swear I'm speaking the truth). Before long, they won my permission to hibernate (冬眠) under my bed for the many winters we spent together.
