Pop Around Town : MEIPAI: "Capture the Wonders"

【明報專訊】Pop culture used to be the exclusive creation of the commercial entertainment industries. Through their resources and ingenuity, we've got to enjoy a wide range of movies, songs, MVs, games, and so on. In recent years, however, this situation has undergone an enormous change. Smartphones equipped with cameras have given us a platform to create entertaining images of ourselves, our friends and our family, the places we have visited, and the adventures we have taken. With the smartphone also came the Apps technology, which offers us the power to rearrange, alter and improve the images we take for endless amusement. There was first an App called "Meitu Xiuxiu" (美圖秀秀), which allows anyone to enhance the attractiveness of images: the brightness and sharpness of self-portraits could easily be adjusted, wrinkles and blemishes on the face wiped away, and the mood of scenery altered. Recently, the same company has offered us "Meipai" (美拍). Billed as a new App that "instantly and automatically transforms your everyday moments into gorgeous music videos," Meipai allows us to transform an ordinary 10-second video we take by smart-editing it with a cool soundtrack and colourful filters. My Facebook and Instagram are filled with more and more Meipai MVs. Are you inspired to be a creator, rather than just a consumer, of pop culture?
