Politics must not override professional judgement
政治凌駕專業判斷 種下鐵路崩圍惡果

【明報專訊】THE EXPRESS RAIL LINK (XRL) project is very much behind schedule. Not until the eleventh hour did the Board of Directors of the MTR Corporation Ltd (MTRCL) learn of the disaster. In the first report of the MTRCL's "self-investigation", that is blamed on poor communication in the MTRCL. The report says that has to do with the poor judgement of MTRCL's Chief Executive Jay Walder and its Projects Director Chew Tai-chong rather than its systems or processes. It is clear from this conclusion the investigators either worked perfunctorily or turned a blind eye to the MTRCL's chronic diseases. It in no way helps the MTRCL to draw a lesson from what has happened and may even cause it to persist in making mistakes.
