Please come forward with information
請知情者提供線索 協助緝捕冷血兇徒

【明報專訊】FORMER Ming Pao chief editor and MediaNet chief operating officer Kevin Lau, who was seriously wounded by a cold-blooded thug, has been given emergency treatment at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. Because of the effort and devoted care of the doctors and nurses who look after him and his strong will, he is mending well. He can now communicate with his visitors and colleagues in some ways - for example, in writing. Though his wounds are such that he can hardly express himself, he is concerned about news-gathering and has discussed with his colleagues how to assist the police with their investigation into the case. That is heartening. It is clear from the way Mr Lau has conducted himself that no knife will sever a journalist from his lifework, be it never so sharp. The sharp blade only serves to warn us journalists the freedom of the press and that of expression are in danger, and journalists must work together with one heart to safeguard them and say no to violence and forces of evil.
