Waste charging scheme must go beyond words
垃圾費勿再光說不練 政府須拿出魄力推行


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【明報專訊】TO HELP REDUCE WASTE at source, a waste charging scheme is important. However, the Hong Kong government has for a long time failed to push through such a scheme with determination.




As much as 13,400 tonnes of waste is sent to landfills every day in Hong Kong, the per capita waste generation being 1.27 kilogram, or about twice as much as that of Taiwan, which is 0.39 kilogram, or of Korea, which is 0.45 kilogram.




It has been proved, in Taipei as well as Seoul, that waste charging is effective in reducing waste at source. In Korea, a few years after the introduction of waste charges in 1995, waste disposal was reduced by about 40 percent; in Taipei, the introduction of waste charges in 2000 resulted in a waste disposal reduction of about 65 percent in 2011. The Hong Kong government lags far behind the Taiwan and Korean governments in this respect, relying solely on the expansion of landfills and the construction of waste incinerators for waste disposal, which not only are a cause of pollution problems, but also have given rise to political issues. Those affected by and strongly opposed to the expansion of landfills, for instance, argue that, rather than expanding landfills all the time, more should be done to reduce waste at source. And this is the strongest of their arguments.




The Environmental Protection Department last year carried out a public consultation on municipal solid waste charging, and found that more than 60 percent of those interviewed believed that waste charging was necessary, and almost 60 percent favoured a quantity-based charging system. It can thus be seen that waste charging is not without its base of support in society as a whole.




The Council for Sustainable Development has now launched a consultation paper setting out three household waste charging proposals. Proposal one contemplates a household-based system, whereby households are required to send their waste to a designated place at a designated time; and proposals two and three are building-based, requiring respectively a building to pay according to the weight or volume of waste produced by the whole building. Under proposals two and three, property management firms would have to make arrangements with the households concerned, so that collective payments might be made to the government on the basis of waste quantity. Regrettably, the consultation paper does not mention the expected waste reduction ratio of each of the three proposals. In the absence of such data, the public can hardly enter into objective discussions and make an informed choice.




Given what is to happen in the next three years, we are not too optimistic about the introduction of a waste charging scheme. There are two major reasons for our lack of optimism. First, the Council for Sustainable Development is to submit its report by the end of next year. As political reform is likely to be the order of the day next year, the government can hardly be expected to do much with regard to waste charging unless extra efforts are made. Second, the District Council elections and Legislative Council elections are to be held in succession in 2015 and 2016, while the Chief Executive is to be elected in 2017 by universal suffrage for the first time. Experience shows that the authorities always try to avoid controversial issues during an election year. As long as this election year attitude remains unchanged, not much progress can be expected in waste disposal charging in the next four years.




If Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying wants to show that his is a government of deeds, he should publicly pledge that, before his term as Chief Executive ends in 2017, a waste charging scheme based on the "polluter pays" principle will definitely be in place.




明報社評 2013.09.26

Presented by lecturers of Hong Kong Community College, PolyU and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Wience Lai

Lecturer, HKCC





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