Unauthorised Signboards to Remain Forever?
違例招牌拖延清拆 屋署執法無計可施?

【明報專訊】ON THE OUTER WALL of an old building at the junction of Russell Street and Percival Street in Causeway Bay, there is a huge signboard which, judging by the naked eye, measures about five metres by ten metres. A flat owner of the building lodged a complaint with the Buildings Department about this colossal structure, and after an on-the-spot inspection the department decided to take legal action against the signboard owner. However, just as the case was to go to court, a "new company" claiming to be the "real" owner of the signboard stepped in. The court case was thus aborted and the Buildings Department had to start afresh all the procedures for the removal of the signboard. This has already happened twice. According to the flat owner, the "change of companies" is a strategy used to thwart the removal of the signboard, and has effectively delayed removal for three years already.
