Emmy The Great's Blog﹕Hippy Heaven

【明報專訊】Last time I wrote, I talked about performing at a Chivas Regal event and at the K11 mall in Hong Kong. I'm now in Los Angeles, working with a super nice producer on what will hopefully become the beginning of my next record. I've been staying with friends in the hippy heaven of Silver Lake, which is probably the loveliest place I've spent time in. It's incredibly relaxing here. People are lucky and healthy and open. I work during the day and in the morning my housemates and I go to do yoga. In the evening I hang out with what seems like a hundred people from London who have moved here - undoubtedly lured by the abject perfection of the lifestyle. My friend Ed, who you may remember from my song Edward is Dedward, is my closest friend here. He's an artist, currently filming an online art series for the Museum of Contemporary Art about trash culture. I keep waking up and walking into his auditions (試鏡), which are held in our living room.
