强化英語﹕The Metrosexual Era

【明報專訊】形容時髦的男生可用 "metrosexual(men with taste and style who know about fashion, art, and culture)"。當女人覺得男人太注重打扮時(men who spend more time and money on their hair, skin or clothes than women do),她們會很反感,英文可說 "there is a metrosexual backlash"。這些時髦男生有他們的涼鞋 (mandals, men's sandals),有他們的手袋(murse, men's purse)。還有,他們愛戴首飾 (mewelry, jewelry for men)。不過,大家不要以為這些男人都是女性化(feminine);他們不少都是很 man 很 masculine(雄赳赳、剛毅)的。Masculinist 是指那些宣揚男權至上的人(advocate of male superiority or dominance, a "Men's Rights Activist")。

我們常常聽到女權運動(feminist movement),其實社會上也有男權運動(masculinist movement)。香港人口語形容有男子氣概的人做「好man」,其實正確用字是 "man-like"(有大丈夫氣概的)。Victor is a man of his word是「 Victor是個守約、可靠的人」。
