Genuine Reconciliation Lies in Working Together for the Common Good
改革過程凝聚共識 齊心共事才是真和解

【明報專訊】WANG Guangya, Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council, has in the presence of news reporters called for reconciliation and unity in Hong Kong, saying that after the Chief Executive election different social sectors should put aside their differences and, look forward, lend their support to the new Chief Executive. As Wang is the central government official in charge of Hong Kong affairs, it is only natural that he would like to see social harmony in Hong Kong. However, it is not clear what he means by "a great reconciliation". If it means that Leung Chun-ying should without regard to the principles of good government make concessions to those who are against him, Hong Kong's deep-seated conflicts will remained unsolved, and many election committee members and citizens who supported Leung will be greatly disappointed.
