Steve Jobs
喬布斯英年早逝 創意科技方興未艾


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【明報專訊】STEVE JOBS died at 56, in his prime, one may say. He exerted enormous influence on the world because the computer products he had created shaped new ways of life. Some mention him and Thomas Edison, the inventor, in the same breath. Whether the products Jobs had created will endure for ever only time will tell. However, he was an immortal legend in the field of creative technology.


喬布斯(Steve Jobs)以56歲之齡逝世,可謂英年早逝。他以電腦塑造世人新生活形態,影響巨大,有人將之與發明家愛迪生(Thomas Edison)相提並論。喬布斯所創造電腦能否存之久遠,留待時間驗證,然而,他在創意科技產業所顯露天才橫溢,卻是不朽傳奇。


In 2005, Jobs gave a speech at Stanford University. He told graduates not to be trapped by dogma. He said, "Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Jobs not only talked about following one's heart. He followed his own all his life.




Jobs of course owed his successes to his brilliant talent and perseverance. Most information technology giants are American companies - Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Yahoo. Why is this the case? This cannot be described as fortuitous. Needless to say, one reason is that their founders are all men of vision and insight who can seize opportunities, but this has everything to do with things in the US, where creations are cherished and protected under its systems.




According to a report the National Science Board has recently released, the US' spending on research and development (R&D) has consistently been equivalent to 2.7% of its GDP since the 1980s. The US being an enormous economy, its R&D spending is quite considerable. The US government sets great store by R&D, and all in the public and private sectors are keen on R&D. This is the primary reason why the US is several notches above the rest of the world in technology and it always stays at the forefront of the creative technology field.


據美國國家科學委員會(National Science Board)一項最新報告,顯示由1980年代中起,美國投入R&D的資源,持續地約佔GDP的2.7%,以美國經濟體積之龐大,研發實質金額甚為可觀。從國家高度重視,美國由官方到民間科研、創新氛圍濃烈,這是美國科技傲視全球,創意科技產業節節領先的最根本原因。


Steve Jobs (Apple) held no university degree, nor has Bill Gates (Microsoft) or Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) earned any. However, they have all achieved much in computer science or information technology. This has much to do with the soil that exists in the US, where all inventions are strictly protected. People are therefore encouraged to do research and develop new things. The situation in China is diametrically different. On the mainland, if a new product is unveiled, the market is soon glutted with fakes of it produced in ill-appointed workshops. The Chinese government should ensure that intellectual property is adequately protected on the mainland. China will have fewer disputes with other countries if it does so. China's R&D or creative technology will not take off unless it does so.


至於微軟的蓋茨(Bill Gates)、蘋果的喬布斯、facebook的朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)等人,以沒有大學畢業學歷,在電腦、資訊科技做出一番大事業,與美國所提供土壤,不能說全無關係。例如在保護知識產權方面,美國的一切發明、創意都得到嚴格保障,激發了整體社會的研發創意氛圍,這種情况,與中國正好相反。在大陸,有新產品面世,極短時間內,大批山寨廠的仿品就會充斥市場。所以,中國認真處理好知識產權,不但可以減少與外國的紛爭,實際上也是中國研發、創意產業起飛的前提。


The successes people like Jobs, Gates and Zuckerberg have achieved provide young people with a revealing insight - that there are no hard and fast rules in information technology or any other creative field. Everybody knows one may bring about infinite possibilities with a computer. With a computer and one's creativity, one may open up infinite business opportunities and do what may help better human lives.





Presented by lecturers of Hong Kong Community College, PolyU and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Danny Chan

Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College, PolyU



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