New Relationship Between Two Powers
新型大國關係形成 中美互動牽引全球


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【明報專訊】YESTERDAY President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama had talks. Judging from the Sino-US joint statement issued in the wake of their meeting, a new relationship between the two powers has taken shape.




The joint statement says, "China and the United States are committed to work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit...." The key phrase is "based on mutual respect and mutual benefit". Hu put it to Obama, who accepted it as an apt description of Sino-US relations in the new stage.




At a press conference, Obama answered a question about human rights an Associated Press reporter had put to Hu before he could. He said that, while human rights were part of America's core values and the US differed with China about the issue, that did not affect the two countries' cooperation in other areas. Obama could not wait to make it clear that he had not backed down on human rights to avoid being accused of softening his stance. This answer betrays his state of mind and mirrors a complex many Americans have about human rights in China. In any event, it is a foregone conclusion that the human rights card has faded out of Sino-US relations.




Sino-US relations have been repositioned. From China's point of view, "mutual respect" matters more than "an equal footing". One may not respect one's adversary whom one regards as one's equal. Therefore, "mutual respect" points to a change in the nature of Sino-US interactions.




Sino-US relations have transcended themselves. A new relationship between the two powers seems to have taken shape. Not only is the essential change in the relationship between China and the US important to their interactions, but it is also such that global systems will be faced with changes. The state of the relationship between two world powers invariably has profound effects on spheres of influence, economic situations and geopolitical politics. China and the US will "continue working towards a partnership that advances common interests, addresses shared concerns and highlights international responsibilities". The wording shows that, even though it does not accept the G2 idea, China will have much greater say in and much greater influence on Sino-US dealings and international affairs.




China (which resumed diplomatic ties with the US thirty-two years ago) has now won America's respect because its economy has rapidly risen. America's economy has remained in a slump since it was hit by the financial tsunami. The US authorities have repeatedly printed money to boost it, but it does not seem to have recovered. Unemployment has verged on 10% in America. A few months ago, the Democrats were routed in midterm elections. They lost their control over the House of Representatives to the Republicans. American hearts have turned. That has to do with the fact that, the US economy being in poor shape, over 7 million Americans are out of work. Obama ought to boost the economy and bring unemployment down. Unless he does so, his administration will be in great difficulty, and he will be even less likely to get re-elected two years later. Whether he will come out of difficulty depends very much on China's money and the China market.




A huge delegation of buyers went to the US with Hu Jintao. They have ordered US$45 billion's worth of Boeing aircraft and other goods. In the speech Obama made in welcoming Hu, he repeatedly said "so many jobs had to be created". China did what he had wished it would do. According to Obama, China's orders and investments would bring about 235,000 jobs in America. Obama is desperate to bring unemployment down. One may say China has given him timely help.




The US economy, whose backbone is financial and other services, is on the wane. It needs new growth areas. The US pins its hopes of economic reinvigoration on the vast China market, which would be an exceedingly huge gold mine to the Americans, who have clear advantages in technology. At a press conference, Obama said the US wanted to sell China everything, including aircraft, automobiles and software.




Americans are result-oriented and down-to-earth. Little of what the US did in the past has proved an encumbrance. Guided by their real interests, the Americans, represented by Barack Obama, have taken themselves down a peg. They now respect China so that they will, with its help, reinvigorate their economy. What Obama has done is another piece of evidence that Americans are pragmatic in nature.





Presented by lecturers of Hong Kong Community College, PolyU and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ms. Mimi Ng, Lecturer, HKCC


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