Outstanding Women In The World

【明報專訊】Hillary Clinton (美國國務卿希拉里)

Currently Secretary of State of the US, Hillary Clinton was once a US first lady. She is former US President Bill Clinton's wife.

Mother Teresa (德蘭修女)

Mother Teresa was kind to the poor, the sick, the orphaned and the dying in Calcutta (印度加爾各答). Her perseverance with humanitarian work won her a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Coco Chanel (法國設計師香奈兒)

French designer Coco Chanel, who founded the legendary brand Chanel, is regarded as among the most influential women in the 20th century.

Dilma Rousseff (巴西首位女總統迪爾瑪‧羅塞夫)

Rousseff has won an election and become Brazil's first woman president. She was inaugurated as President on 1 January 2011.

Julia Gillard (澳洲總理吉拉德)

Having been in politics for some 20 years, Julia Gillard, Australia's first woman Prime Minister, stands for women's participation in political and social affairs.

Catherine Ashton (英國駐歐盟貿易專員阿什頓)

Ashton is the first Vice President of the European Commission. She has been in office since February 2010.

Indira Gandhi (印度前總理甘地夫人)

Gandhi was the first and only woman Prime Minister of India. She served between 1966 and 1984, when she was assassinated. She was the longest-serving Prime Minister in the world.