王梓軒 Blog﹕Braces

【明報專訊】For the past two years, I've been wearing progressive plastic braces that require continuous adjustment in two-week intervals as well as diligent retainer wearing after the completion of the initial stage (if you're turned off by the description, then just imagine having to take them on and off in public restrooms before and after meals, performances and recording). I chose them mainly because they were removable when necessary, but as a result, I've had braces for longer than usual and the overall cost was also higher. This feels silly to me for two reasons: 1. I'd already worn braces before in secondary school; and 2. I didn't think my teeth were that bad to start with (and neither did my orthodontist (牙齒矯正醫生) when he saw them). So you might ask, "Why bother?"
