Born This Week﹕Steven SEAGAL

【明報專訊】Steven Seagal-actor, writer, musician, producer, martial artist and police officer- was born on April 10, 1951 in Lansing, Michigan. Seagal's movies have grossed (總收入) more than US$2 billion worldwide. He is an expert martial artist with a 7th-degree black belt in aikido (合氣道). Along with Sylvester Stallone (史泰龍) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (阿諾舒華辛力加), he is considered one of the film industry's greatest action stars. But it turns out that Steven Seagal isn't just an action hero in the movies. For almost 20 years, Seagal has been working as a deputy sheriff in the community of Jefferson Parish (郡), Louisiana. In fact, in addition to going out on patrol (巡邏), Seagal is an expert marksman (神射手) who has worked with their SWAT team and has instructed Jefferson Parish officers in firearms and hand-to-hand combat.
