
【明報專訊】土瓜灣塌樓慘劇令全港舊樓住客成為驚弓之鳥。大角嘴一幢40多年樓齡的商住大廈,住客近日發現牆身上一條裂痕在擴大,懷疑是隔鄰地盤打樁所致。一家英文報章報道:Residents of an old Mong Kok block worried that (their block) too would topple yesterday after a 30cm gap opened up. They said the gap... had begun widening when piling work on a construction site started. 同一段新聞又說,屋宇署的測量師認為,The block was safe and there was no evidence the gap had widened recently or that it was related to the piling works.
