Central Authorities Should Dialogue With Democrats
政情因「公投」變得微妙 中央應與溫和民主派對話

【明報專訊】A survey this newspaper has commissioned the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong to carry out shows the turnout at the upcoming Legislative Council by-elections may fall between 18% and 25%. If only such a percentage of voters go to the polls, the "five-constituency referendum movement" can by no standard be described as successful. Most citizens are lukewarm about the "referendum". However, that does not mean they have given up striving for genuine universal suffrage. Now most people prefer to fight for it by moderate means. In our view, the SAR government and the central authorities must correctly read the mainstream forces' stance and the majority of citizens'. They should dialogue with moderate democrats as soon as possible. Only if citizens are assured that they will exercise true universal suffrage in the 2017 and 2020 elections will there be any hope of maximising common ground, preventing the political system from remaining unchanged and settling the constitutional reform issue, which has troubled Hong Kong for years.
