Janis' Blog﹕Why We Need Christmas

【明報專訊】It was a busy week for me-appointment after appointment, followed by meetings and more meetings. I went home every day with a weary (疲倦的) body and soul. When I left my office, the only thing I wanted to do was to rush straight back home, yet I couldn't help but slow down when I saw the beautiful Christmas decorations on the street. They reminded me that it's again the end of a year. Christmas is my favourite holiday. It is filled with the ambience (氣氛) of joy and happiness. I couldn't help but join the fun of Christmas shopping. I bought myself a little Christmas tree, planning to put it in my office to keep me motivated during the harsh workdays. This little Christmas tree reminds me of the Christmas tales I heard when I was young, that only the well-behaved children receive Christmas presents from Santa Claus. Well, I guess I'll have to work harder then!
