Hong Kong Should Adapt Itself
富國強軍展現眼前 港人心態須作調適


英語 (足本收聽)

普通話 (足本收聽)

【明報專訊】THE ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the People's Republic of China demonstrates its national strength, military might, glory and prosperity. The Chinese people are rightly proud of it, but they should also realise China should assume greater responsibility towards world peace. On that extremely important occasion, President Hu Jintao stressed in his speech the Chinese government would adhere to the principle of "one country, two systems" and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macau. That shows the central government sets great store by the two SARs. As the nation is seeing rapid changes, Hong Kong people must now think how Hong Kong should adapt itself so that it can integrate with the mainland and thrive with it.




In the military parade that took place in Beijing yesterday China showed off its armaments. It can be argued that the nation needs such military capability to safeguard its economic interests. However, Taiwan is very likely to believe it is targeted. In his speech Hu Jintao said, "We will unwaveringly uphold the principle of 'peaceful reunification' and ... continue to strive for the complete reunification of our motherland, which is the common aspiration of the Chinese nation." In our view, the mainland should not only talk about peaceful reunification. It may win many more hearts in Taiwan if it actually does what may demonstrate its goodwill (if, for example, it moves back the missiles levelled at Taiwan).




Hong Kong citizens have all along directed their attention to the mainland's economic takeoff. However, because of the military review that took place yesterday in Beijing, citizens should now have a more profound awareness of China's national strength.




China is rapidly developing and going from strength to strength. However, the mainland's core values and Hong Kong's are like chalk and cheese. Now China is on the successful track, mainlanders seem awfully confident of themselves and will stick even faster to the values they hold. It is now even harder for Hong Kong, which upholds its own core values under "one country, two systems", to be in concord with the mainland. However, in reality, there is enormous disparity in strength between Hong Kong and the mainland. Unless the mainland is tolerant, Hong Kong's predicament may remain. The SAR government is about to consult the public about constitutional reform. As matters stand, little will eventually be spared if the pan-democrats try to compel the central authorities to make concessions with "mass resignation".




The central authorities' mindset being as it is, it is unrealistic to believe "mass resignation" would "bring them to heel". The central authorities have overwhelming superiority. The pan-democrats can achieve little unless they can mobilise several hundred thousand citizens to keep taking to the streets or besieging the government's headquarters or major offices. However, can they or have they the nerve to start such a "revolution"? If that is out of the question, they must consider other options. It is neither here nor there who fears whom. Politicians should strive to achieve what can be achieved. It is unseeing, foolhardy and unwise to persist in doing what is impossible.




What we call "adaptation" is by no means "surrender". Hong Kong must by all means cling to the core values it cherishes. By adaptation we mean that of our mindset and ways. Hong Kong must adapt itself so that Hong Kong people will elect their Chief Executives and all its legislators by universal suffrage. Is it not better for the pan-democrats to fight for a "halfway house" in trying to speed up Hong Kong's democratisation? This is a question they would do well to ponder on. China is such a power now. Why should the central authorities be fearful of going along with Hong Kong's mainstream and giving the green light to its democratisation?





Presented by lecturers of Hong Kong Community College, PolyU and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Mr. William Tsang

Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College




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