【明報專訊】俄烏之戰持續,《經濟學人》(The Economist) 有題為 ''Friends like these'' 的文章,分析各國政府的取態。
【明報專訊】...that's not the issue!
【明報專訊】Jiri: Aren't you getting fed up with Vic Bandy? I certainly am.
【明報專訊】各路消息均指美國前總統特朗普會在2024年大選捲土重來,《新聞周刊》(Newsweek) 有題為 ''The Armed Uprising of 2024''
【明報專訊】The character of a one-armed swordsman in the movie One-Armed Swordsman (《獨臂刀》) is fictional w
【明報專訊】Frank: You know, I've been reading this article about experts trying to work out what'
【明報專訊】Una: The news coming out of Ukraine is really awful, isn't it.
【明報專訊】香港第五波疫情仍然嚴峻,眼見世界各地開始放寬社交距離措施,市民對未來的抗疫方向感到迷惘。香港科技大學公共政策研究學部教授白立邦 (Naubahar Sharif) 在《中國日報》(Chin
【明報專訊】I'm not a sports person. I rarely watch sports, though for unknown reasons I have watched
【明報專訊】Trixie: So your Dad enjoyed dressing up as Father Christmas and handing out presents to his gr