【明報專訊】TO PURSUE DEVELOPMENT, Hong Kong needs to cultivate a diverse talent pool. In the policy addre
【明報專訊】IN THE NEW POLICY ADDRESS, it is announced that a task force will be established to study the
【明報專訊】THE NEW POLICY ADDRESS has been released. A lengthy document with more than 30,000 words (over
【明報專訊】AT A TIME of economic weakness in Hong Kong, the latest policy address titled "A Vibrant
【明報專訊】POPULATION is a key factor in the sustainable development of society. Labour shortage has beco
【明報專訊】MAINLAND CHINA'S economic growth rate reached 4.9% in the third quarter, which was higher
【明報專訊】THE BELT AND ROAD FORUM for International Cooperation was convened in Beijing to mark the 10th
【明報專訊】THE POLICY ADDRESS is due next week. For the grassroots anxiously awaiting public rental housi
【明報專訊】HONG KONG's ECONOMIC RECOVERY lacks robustness. A new policy address will be released next
【明報專訊】IT HAS BEEN ten years since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed. A grand summit fo